Supporting Children to Shine


Thank you for visiting our Fundraising Hub.  We hope that this well help and inspire you to raise some funds to provide the best start to life for a child, the gift of an education.  The Gambia is, unfortunately, one of the poorest countries in the world, one of the best ways to change this is to provide a good education for Gambian children so that in the years to come they will change their country, helping it to prosper as a nation.  Every child should be able to access education, your fundraising will help us to achieve that.


Did you know that whenever you buy anything online – from your weekly shop to your annual holiday – you could be raising free donations for Baranku School with EasyFundraising?

There are over 7,000 brands on board ready to make a donation – including Amazon, eBay, Argos, John Lewis, ASOS, and M&S – and it won’t cost you a penny extra to help us raise funds.

There are no catches or hidden charges and Baranku School will be really grateful for your donations.

Putting the FUN in Fundraising

Fundraising for the charity can be great fun and rewarding, do let us know if you are planning to undertake some fundraising for us and we will publicise it and give you support, if required. Do make sure you make the most of Gift Aid, we can claim additional funds from the government (see below).  Check to see if your employer will match funds raised for charity (see below). 

Not sure what to do? Here are a few ideas:

Do your friends like food & drink?  How about:
  • Afternoon Tea
  • Coffee Morning
  • Gala Dinner
  • Cocktail Night
  • Dinner Party
  • BBQ
  • Teddy Bear Picnic
Why not stage an event like a Music Concert, Barn Dance, Murder Mystery, Film Night, Open Garden, Art Exhibition or Eurovision Party?  Or perhaps a Street Party, Village Fete, Christmas Bazaar, Easter Fayre, Jumble Sale, Car Boot or Bring & Buy Sale?
Running a stall selling items always goes down well, things like a Cake Sale, Craft Sale, Plant Sale or sell unwanted items at a Car Boot.  Alternatively you could have a fundraiser like a Tombola, Guess How Many in a Jar, Bran Tub, Book Sale or Raffle.  Or why not organise a game of bingo?
Why not put on a show?  What type of show I here you ask?  Maybe a Pet Show, Fashion Show or Talent Show.  You could also hold a Jazz Night, an Open Mic or Karaoke Session.

Get a group of people together and hold a:

  • Fire Walk
  • Treasure Hunt
  • Poker Night 
  • Auction Donated Items
  • Skill Auction

There are companies who offer charity challenges like Trekking in the Himalayas or the Sahara Desert, trek to Everest Base Camp, Petra or the Peak of Kilimanjaro, do the Three Peaks Challenge or the Zambezi River Challenge, there are loads to choose from.

Collect some cash by:

  • Holding a Supermarket Bucket Collection
  • Asking for a Donation instead of a Birthday or Christmas Gift
  • Collecting your Loose Change
  • Selling Unwanted items on eBay
  • Packing Bags at a Supermarket
  • Placing a Collection Box in Shops
  • Holding a School No Uniform Day
  • Having a Work Dress Down Day
  • Holding a Wear a Wig to Work Day
  • Having a Fancy Dress Day
  • Donating an Hour of Earnings at your workplace
Many people are competitive, some just join in for fun, whichever you are take a look at this for some inspiration:
Perhaps you have a skill or time to offer to do something like a Make-Over Session, Lawn Mowing, Car Washing, Busking, Dog Washing, Face Painting, having a Photo-shoot, offering a Taxi Service, Baby Sitting, make Christmas & Birthday Cards or Teach someone to Dance.
You could get Sponsored to do something.  A sponsorship form which allows people to Gift Aid their donation can be downloaded here.  These are some examples of things you could get sponsored for:

Things to think about before you Fundraise

Below are a few things for you to consider, the more complex your fundraising, the more you need to plan.  If you need any support do contact us and we will do our best to assist.

Think about the space you need

Indoors or outdoors?  How big?  Do you need a kitchen?  Do you need toilets?  Do you need power?  Hiring a venue?  Tell them you are raising funds for a charity - it may be free or at a reduced cost 


How much will you raise, after costs?

Can you borrow equipment?  Try to get a free venue. Can local companies help to provide services, sponsorship or products for the raffle?


Make sure you have enough

Check there are no major events on at the same time, is the day and time suitable for the people you want to attend.  Give yourself plenty of time to organise and publicise any event.


Do tell us so we can support you

Make sure you publicise the event, use social media Facebook, X, Instagram, contact the local press, go on local radio.  Tell people about the school & The Gambia (see About page) and why you are fundraising, inspire people to give.

Press coverage

Put out a press release!

Local media are always looking out for local news stories, google "press release template" and write a press release.  Make sure you include the date & time, location and how to donate.  Send to local newspapers, radio and TV.

Gift aid it

We get an extra 25p for every £1 gift aided

See our gift aid page for a digital Gift Aid form;
to download a gift aid sponsorship form click here;
to download a gift aid form click here.
Let us know if you collect cash donations as we may be able to claim Gift Aid.

Double your money

Worth asking

Some employers run a match giving scheme, they can double the money you raise, worth checking out!  If they don't have this scheme, why not ask them to set it up, they claim it back against the tax they pay and so it doesn't cost them a penny.

make it Safe & legal

Health & Safety & legislation

Make sure you are legal and safe, think about first aid, insurance (often included with your home insurance), food hygiene (link below to Food Standards Agency).

Collecting money

Legalities and Tips

Get owner's permission to collect money at a shopping centre or supermarket; if you want to collect on the street or door-to-door you need a licence from your local authority.
When counting donations have a second person with you.  Use a secure container when collecting money.  Regularly lock money away during an event.  Use a cash box for a float.  Be aware of your surroundings when carrying money, bank cash as soon as possible.

Child Safety

You may need parental permission for children to attend the event, volunteers may need DBS checks, the easiest way to protect children is to ensure parents or guardians supervise their own children.  Make sure you get permission before you take photographs.

suppliers & contractors

Use reputable companies

Ask to see a copy of their  Public Liability Insurance certificate and their risk assessment.

risk assessment

Consider things that might go wrong!

Completing a risk assessment will help you to keep everyone safe - a template is here

A Christian School, which is open to all.