Supporting Children to Shine


To make a donation into our bank account please send this via your banking App or on-line banking to the following UK Lloyds Business Bank account:
Account name:  Baranku School Fundraising Charity
Sort Code: 30 99 50
Account Number: 35441262
This account holds donations for the "Baranku School Fundraising Charity", which is a UK-based charity that uses all of it's funds to support the Baranku School in The Gambia.  

*Please note:  Unfortunately, the credit/debit card "Save my information for a faster checkout" option is not available.

Gift Aid

Help your gift go even further, by increasing its value by a whopping 25% at no extra cost to you. For each £10 you donate, we will receive £12.50!

You do need to be a UK taxpayer.

Baranku benefactor

Donate Monthly

At the moment the school doesn’t have the funds to cover day-to-day running costs or to pay the teachers.  Could you make a regular monthly donation and become a Baranku Benefactor?  You will be investing in the next generation of Gambians.

Roof appeal

New School Roof

The roof of the school has holes in it which means during the rainy season it leaks, we need to raise £4,000 for a new roof. 

Please note:  All of the trips to The Gambia made on behalf of the charity are paid for by the individuals concerned. This includes flights, accommodation, car hire, food, insurance, etc.   Under no circumstances are the charity funds used to pay for these trips.

A Christian School, which is open to all.