Roof Appeal Launched

21st April 2024

The Gambia experiences a wet season from June to October.  Unfortunately the roof of the school leaks, this means that the school may need to close to keep the children safe.

When Christine purchased the land and built the three classrooms in 2018, she paid for this from her own savings. She didn't have sufficient funds to put a good quality roof on it. After five years the roof has developed leaks and the timber frame is warped.  
The school needs a new roof made from good quality corrugated steel sheets, and a new wooden frame built to last.  

The school doesn’t have the funds for a new roof and so the Baranku School Fundraising Charity has launched an appeal to raise 328,000GMD (£4,000) to replace it.  

Why not do some fundraising for the Roof Appeal? This can be great fun, do let us know if you are fundraising and we will do our best to publicise this through the charity's social media.

Click here for some ideas of ways to fundraise.

Click here to make a donation by credit or debit card.

Or you can donate by transferring funds using online banking or your banking app into the Lloyds Baranku School Fundraising Account: 

Sort Code: 30 99 50 
Bank Account Number: 35441262

Please reference your donation "Roof Appeal".

Thank you for your support.