New Fundraising Charity Launched

1st January 2024
A new UK charity called the “Baranku School Fundraising Charity” has been launched to raise funds for the Baranku Academy Nursery School in The Gambia.  The charity was formed by Mick and Caroline Tinkler.  They were moved to support the school after visiting it on a trip to The Gambia in 2023.

When we found out that the school was in desperate need of funds we felt that we could make a tangible difference by raising donations when we returned to the UK.  The best start a child can have is the gift of an education.  In The Gambia the government only fund schools who cater for children from the age of 7, Caroline works in a UK school and so she knows that education needs to start much younger than that.

To access school before a child is 7 the parents or guardians need to pay for it, however, for many Gambians they are struggling to keep a roof over the heads of their family and food on the table. The country is beautiful, the people are warm and friendly, but it is a poor country, one of the poorest in the world, Mick and Caroline can see the contrast with the comparative wealth in the UK and so they were motivated to start fundraising.

The fist step has been the formation of a charity, which was set up by Mick who is a retired Chief Executive of a charity, Mick, Caroline and their daughter, Sonia Charalambous, are the trustees of the charity. 

We will be seeking donations to purchase some reading books for the school, we are asking people to donate a fiver (£5 or D400) under the “Read 4 a Fiver” campaign.  We will also be asking people to donate a regular amount every month, which will allow the school to pay the teaching staff and recruit a new teacher.  We will also be trying to raise £4,000 (D320,000) for a new roof, as the current roof leaks.

There is still much to do, but we are making headway, we just need all of our friends and family to support this wonderful school, which is making such a difference to the lives of these little ones.