Desks and a new Toilet from SKKB

20th March 2023
On behalf of the people of Gambia, we thank Stichting KinderKledingBeurs (SKKB) for all of their help.

SKKB is a Dutch charity which sells clothing and uses the profits to support the work of not-for-profit organisations like the Baranku Academy Nursery School.

In 2021, they provided renovated school desks for the school.  They supported the school again in 2022 with funding to enable the school to build a toilet block with three toilets.  These toilets replace the “toilet”, which was no more than a hole in the ground, that had been used by children and staff for several years.  The new toilets are linked to the bore hole which has been installed to provide water for the school, the toilets have proper drainage, which is a great improvement.

The photo shows Mariët and Anton from SKKB presenting the school Founder & Head Teacher, Christine Mendy with a plaque that had be made locally in The Gambia.  Christine thanked Mariët and Anton for the kind donation from SKKB which had enabled them to build this new facility for the school.