Bank Account Opens

7th March 2024

Ellis Fermor  Negusjpg

The banking process in the UK must be one of the most secure in the world!  After many weeks of answering questions and providing evidence the Baranku School Fundraising Charity have finally been granted a new bank account with Lloyds Bank!!!!

We would like to thank a good friend of ours, Duncan Lyon, who is a Director with Ellis-Fermor & Negus who supplied a Solicitors Letter, which the bank required, without charging the charity for this, a lovely gift-in-kind from them.

Lloyds have also looked after us, as a charity we have free banking with them.  Our new account details are:

Sort Code: 30-99-50
Account number: 35441262
Account name: Baranku School Fundraising Charity

If you wish to make a donation please use the above bank account.  Thank you to everyone who has donated to the charity through the personal account of the Trustees of the charity, we will be transferring a massive £442 (375,570 GMD) into the new account.  Thank you to all of our donors.

Now that we have a bank account we have made an application to His Majesty's Revenue & Customs to enable us to claim back the tax paid by most of our donors, this should increase the gifts by nearly £100.

These donations will make a massive difference to the lives of the Gambian children who attend Baranku school.  The first tangible difference will be the purchase of reading books for the children after the successful "Read 4a Fiver" campaign, more about this to follow.